Thursday, September 10, 2015

Distrac.... Squirrel!...I mean Distractions

Hello my friends.  So, I told you how my weekend went - redoing my kitchen cabinets basically turned my entire house into a tornado.  And my brain followed.  And I have been working to get things organized again (ahem - I mean blogging is clearly HELPING the process), but I still feel like I'm going in a million directions right now.

I mean we all feel like this from time to time, right?  Like we are skipping from one project or obstacle to another - never completely finishing the first one?

So that's where I'm at right now.  Oh, must pause blog to fix something....

Okay, I'm back.  See???  Distractions, man. Seriously

But I am staying consistent with a few things.  I don't care WHAT is going on in my life, I am GETTING my workout in.  Every single morning come hell or high water it's happening.  Even though this week has been challenging I haven't skipped a single day.  Today was leg day part 2 (and it really wasn't as bad), along with good ole Ab Ripper X.  I'm loving to hate....or is is hating to love? that one.  I'm also focused on my nutrition.  Even if I'm stressed I MAKE myself pick the healthier option. It's a total struggle some days - but that big mac is only going to make you happy for the two seconds it takes to inhale it and then it's just lethargy and food coma for the rest of the day.

So, I am keeping that on track.  Trying to feel less like a hamster in a wheel and I think I'll hit a settled place again here at some point soon.

Keep on keepin on friends....just wanted to keep it real with ya today...

Gotta go...another distraction (I can't make this up, I'm being led away by my hand.......

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